Taiwan Reforestation Association
The Seven Heroes of Guguan- Mount Wuwowei Ecological Trip 2017/10/22
The Seven Heroes of Guguan are seven nearby peaks located in Guguan, central Taiwan. This time we are heading to Mount Wuwowei, its trailhead is on Daxueshan Forest Road at 31.2K. Today we hiked along the ridgeline to the triangulation station of Mount Wuwowei.
In the northwest side of the Mount Wuwowei ridgeline is the Dongmao River, and in the southeast side is the Dajia River. The hillside of the southeast side is listed as soil conservation forest No. 1433 in the size of 5,405 hectares. Its purpose is to prevent landslide and sand from depositing in Dajia River as to protect Guguan, Tianlun, New Tianlun, Ma’anliao and Sheliaojiao Power Plants.
The forest is also an important habitat in central Taiwan for Taiwan Formosan Black Bear. The hillside in the northwest side, however, isn’t listed as soil conservation forest. Economic forests such as Cunninghamia konishii and Taiwania cryptomerioides were planted in some of the area. As a consequence, on one side of the ridgeline is natural forest, and the other side is man-planted forest. Natural forest serves the important purposes of ecological preservation and soil conservation, while man-planted forest serves no other purposes than economical use.
The forest here belongs to oak forest at elevation height 1,500~2,500m. Oak forest is a forest dominated by plant species in Fagaceae family and Quercus genus. The acorns of the Fagaceae plants are usually the important food source in the winter for wild animals such as Formosan Black Bear. Thus, if a natural forest like this is operated as man-planted forest, fruit farm, and recreation area, it’s going to have major impacts on wild animals.
This area is referred to as prevalent cloud zone. Receiving frequent rainfall, the hillside is more vulnerable to collapse if the forest is destroyed. That is to say, the area is crucial to our homeland security. With severe climate change affecting the planet, we must reconsider whether it is suitable to operate a man-planted forest in a heavy precipitation hillside at a risk of collapse.
臺灣原生的殼斗科,廣義來說有4屬約52種(分類群):山毛櫸屬(Fagus)、櫟屬(Quercus)、石櫟屬(Lithocarpus)、苦櫧屬(Castanopsis),其中櫟屬就佔了24 種。上述的櫟林帶,也有學者稱為「樟殼林」,意指以樟科和殼斗科為優勢的森林,故此次的生態調查中,我們就看到了有許多樟科的大樹,如青葉楠、長葉木薑子、白新木薑子。
Tawan native Fagaceae family is divided into 4 genuses, about 52 groupings: Fagus, Quercus, Lithocarpus and Castanopsis. There are 24 kinds in Quercus genus. The oak forest is also referred to as “Mixed stands of Fagaceae and camphora”, meaning the forest dominated by Fagaceae and camphora. In the survey, we observed many giant trees of the botanical family Lauraceae, such as Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis, Litsea acutivena, and Neolitsea sericea.
為了帶大家瞭解這裡的森林生態,我們在距離屋我尾山的三角點約8分鐘路程的緩坡平台處,拉設了20m x 20m的樣區,此樣區刻意包圍了一棵高30m的木荷大樹,這個樣區的植物社會以「木荷─墨點櫻桃」為優勢(調查資料附件)。
To understand the ecology in the forest, in a gentle slope area about eight minutes walking distance from the triangulation station, we set up a 20 meters by 20 meters sample area. We purposely included a 30-meter tall Schima superba. The dominant species of the plant society in the sampling area is Schima superba-Prunus phaeosticta.
Besides Schima superba, in the surrounding area are other giant trees such as Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis, Prunus phaeosticta, Ilex rotunda, Meliosma callicarpaefolia, Lithocarpus amygdalifolius, Elaeocarpus japonicus, Engelhardtia roxburghiana, Cyclobalanopsis longinux, Michelia compressa, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides, and Castanopsis carlesii. Those giant trees are at the height of 15 meters to 30 meters.
Besides the giant trees in the gentle slope sampling area, in other steep hillsides are slender trees under 20 cm of diameter at breast height. We can roughly estimate the age of the forest with levels of diameters at breast height. The smaller the diameter is, the younger the forest. In other words, the forest in the steep slope renews every several decades, this may be caused by earthquakes and landslides triggered by heavy rainfall.
Above the midstream of Da- Chia River are mostly young forest like this, a “young” forest means it undergoes frequent landslides and the geologic structure is extremely fragile. Therefore, the costly reconstruction of Central Cross-lsland Highway should be reconsidered as the age of the forest along the highway serves as an indicator.
Besides landslide, the fallen trees renew the natural forest as many saplings have stayed underneath the canopy layer for over ten years, waiting for the giant tree to fall and make space for sufficient sunlight to reach tiny saplings underneath. So these saplings can begin rapid growth to take place of the giant trees.
Taiwan is blessed with 80% of the forest eclogy in Northern Hemisphere. Taiwan Reforestation Association holds monthly ecology trips, and in five months, it will have been two years since we founded the association. We’re happy to see our members become more experienced doing research in the forests.
We want to thank everyone for participating. We also want to give thanks to those landowners who contribute their land for reforestation.夜裡常常在想,能認識這群好友一起做這麼有意義的事,雖然辛苦,但沉浸在這樣的過程中,感覺真的很幸福!
At nights, I think of all the friends working towards our goal, though it’s tough, but emerging in the process brings the true happiness and fulfillment.
Taiwan Reforestation Association
《The Seven Heroes of Guguan- Mount Wuwowei 》Ecological Survey
Date: 2017/10/22
Site Name: Mount Wuwowei 2.5 K
Plant Society: Schima superba- Prunus phaeosticta
Slope 3°; Slope Direction 120°
Height Above Sea Level: 1765m
Sample Area: 20m×20m
座標:247021, 2678553
Coordinate: 247021, 2678553
Remarks: Giant trees in the surrounding area are Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis, Prunus phaeosticta, Ilex rotunda, Meliosma callicarpaefolia, Lithocarpus amygdalifolius, Elaeocarpus japonicus, Engelhardtia roxburghiana, Cyclobalanopsis longinux, Michelia compressa, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides, and Castanopsis carlesii.
Surveyor: Hsin Yi Chen; Notetaker: Shiang Rong Debbie Huang
T1 Upper Tree Layer, Height 30 m, Range of Cover 50%
Schima superba(3,1), Ilex rotunda(2,1), Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis(2,1), Prunus phaeosticta(2,1), Meliosma callicarpaefolia(1,1), Davallia mariesii(+,1), Embelia laeta(+,2)~ T2次冠層,高度15m,覆蓋度80%~
T2 Lower Tree Layer, Height 15m, Range of Cover 80%
木荷(1,+ )、白新木薑子(1,+ )、長葉木薑子(2,1)、厚皮香(1,+ )、青葉楠(霧社楨楠) ( 2,+ )、大葉木犀(1,1)、紅花八角(1,1)、烏心石(1,+ )、紫珠葉泡花(2,1)、墨點櫻桃(3,2)、杜虹花(1,+ )、山香圓(1,+)、三葉崖爬藤(+,+)、香桂(1,+)、綠樟(清風藤科) (1,1)、短尾葉石櫟(1,1)、藤木槲(+,1)、山紅柿(+,+)、江某(1,1)、小膜蓋蕨(+,1)、糊樗(+,+)、玉山灰木(+,1)、細枝柃木(+,1)、米碎柃木(+,1)、糙莖菝契(+,+)、海洲骨碎補(+,1)、山茶葉灰木(+,+)
Schima superba(1,+ ), Neolitsea sericea(1,+ ), Litsea acutivena(2,1), Ternstroemia gymnanthera(1,+ ), Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis( 2,+ ), Osmanthus matsumuranus(1,1), Illicium arborescen(1,1), Michelia compressa(1,+ ), Meliosma callicarpaefolia(2,1), Prunus phaeosticta(3,2), Callicarpa formosana(1,+ ), Turpinia formosana(1,+), Tetrastigma formosanum(+,+),Cinnamomum subavenium(1,+), Meliosma squamulata(Sabiaceae) (1,1), Pasania harlandii(1,1), Embelia laeta(+,1), Diospyros morrisiana(+,+),Schefflera octophylla(1,1), Araiostegia perdurans(+,1), Ilex formosana(+,+),Symplocos morrisonicola(+,1), Eurya loquaiana(+,1), Eurya chinensis(+,1), Smilax bracteata var. verruculosa(+,+),Davallia mariesii(+,1), Symplocos congesta(+,+)~H地被層,高度1m,覆蓋度10%~
廣葉鋸齒雙蓋蕨(1,2)、山桂花(1,2)、紅花八角 (+,1)、白新木薑子(+,1)、玉山灰木( +,1)、香桂(+,1)、狗骨仔( +,+)、糙莖菝契(+,+)、紫珠葉泡花( +,1)、長葉木薑子( +,1)、稀子蕨( +,+)
H: herbaceous layer, Height 1m, Range of Cover 10%
Diplazium dilatatum(1,2), Maesa japonica(1,2), Illicium arborescen (+,1), Neolitsea sericea(+,1), Symplocos morrisonicola( +,1), Cinnamomum subavenium(+,1), Tricalysia dubia( +,+), Smilax bracteata var. verruculosa(+,+),Meliosma callicarpaefolia( +,1), Litsea acutivena( +,1), Monachosorum henryi( +,+)—————————
Improved Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale Survey Method:
Record plant levels, height in each level, range of cover in each level, range of cover and abundance rating of each composite in each level覆蓋度:
Range of Cover:
Abundance Rating:
+, 1-2 individuals
1, sparse
2, small grouping
3, moderate grouping
4, large grouping
5, Large overall grouping